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Since September 2021, BIKING WHILE BLACK: HOW SAFE ARE BLACK LIVES BICYCLING? has traveled on the virtual waves of YouTube, and varied social media platforms, as well as has been screened in Detroit at the Better Cities Film Festival, and in Oakland at the California Bicycle Summit! In all cases, the feedback from each platform was that folks want to see more, learn more, and activate change where we can! The overall consensus is that all can envision there is a much much bigger story to tell.

This second episode, BIKING WHILE BLACK: CONTINUING TO RIDE THROUGH DECRIMINALIZATION, DISENFRANCHISEMENT AND GENTRIFICATION, expands upon the 9-minute short film and dialogue by incorporating more narratives to dig deeper into the solution-based storytelling and features the actions being taken by some of our leading Black bicyclists and BIPOC community-based organizations who are paving new roads to tackle the myths, the community safety conditions in Los Angeles, and celebrating Black joy on two wheels.

Experience the Virtual Replay: Yolanda Davis-Overstreet at SCAG’s Toolbox Tuesday

​We invite you to hear from our founder, Yolanda Davis-Overstreet, during her recent presentation at SCAG’s Toolbox Tuesday. Toolbox Tuesday is a platform where community leaders and experts share valuable insights and practical tools. In her talk, Yolanda dives deep into the journey of Biking While Black and shares her vision for the future. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the impact we’re making and where we’re headed next.


On September 18, 2022, we lauched the digital world premiere of BIKING WHILE BLACK: CONTINUING TO RIDE THROUGH DECRIMINALIZATION, DISENFRANCHISEMENT AND GENTRIFICATION. This episode was made possible by a mini-grant from Go Human. Please visit our screenings page to attend an upcoming screening or host your own.

Check out the Official Trailer below!

Directed by Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Co-produced by Yolanda Davis-Overstreet & Harly Crandall


BIKING WHILE BLACK: CONTINUING TO RIDE THROUCH DECRIMINALIZATION, DISENFRANCHISEMENT & GENTRIFICATION was made possible by a mini-grant from Go Human, a project of Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).

Director's Statement

Like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, Black and BIPOC lives continue to have an unseen connection to the realms of hope and resilience. Some of the key revelations that were spoken of during our interviews were on uplifting and educating our youth to become leaders and navigators in bicycling education and mechanics, safety education, and engagement, paired with mobility justice advocacy. Some of our interviewees even talked on the aspirations of training and mentoring our next Black and Brown bicycling Olympians and cycling professionals. We talked on the need to create more BIPOC-owned bicycling shops and CoOp’s, and on how this would look and operate under a social and mobility justice lens. The collective agreement was that one can’t exist without the other – mobility can’t exist without justice as it relates to the


wellbeing and safety of BIPOC lives. And lastly, from the transportation agency perspective, we spoke on the need for these agencies to invest in acknowledging, hiring, and collaborating with community leaders who have been doing the work to help keep their multi-generational community members safe and informed.


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2023 Official Selection - Imagine This Women's Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - Black August Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - Filmed by Bike Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - The Indianapolis Black Documentary Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - The Pan African Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - Black Film Festival of New Orleans

2023 Official Selection - Seattle Black Film Festival

2023 Official Selection - SPE Media Festival

2022 SCAG Go Human Mini-Grant Awardee

2022 Advancing Diversity and Social Change Award, American Planning Association,
Los Angeles Chapter

2022 Planning Advocate Award of Excellence, American Planning Association of California

2022 Communications Initiative Award of Merit, American Planning Association of California

BIKING WHILE BLACK: CONTINUING TO RIDE THROUCH DECRIMINALIZATION, DISENFRANCHISEMENT & GENTRIFICATION was made possible by a mini-grant from Go Human, a project of Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).


Sign up to learn more about upcoming screenings, opportunities to get involved, and stay informed with our efforts to advance mobility justice for Black lives.

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